Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The Cross by Day, the Mezuzzah by night

I cannot recommend this book enough to you. I have read it a couple of times, the last time being this past Tisha B'Av. It is a young adult novel, set in Seville, Spain 1492, about a well to do Catholic girl named Isabel Caruso de Carvallo. The edict of expulsion has been decreed, and the Jewish people must leave thier homes and belongings behind or be subjected to death at the hands of the Holy Office. But that has little to do with this young namesake of the Queen...or does it? As Isabel's story unfolds there are many secrets to be revealed to this young herione, who must then choose to live and find her true identity. It is a story of determination and strength, and the will to return home no matter what the cost.

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