This week I had the incredible pleasure of seeing both the moon at it's fullness of beauty and the sun rising. Both times I was driving.
Sunday evening as I was out, I came to stop sign and I looked in the rear view mirror. Much to my surprise the brightness I saw there was not coming from the headlights of another vehicle, but from the moon, bright, full and quite low in the sky. I had just been thinking how she had reached her fullness the day before and I had not yet had an opportunity to see her. It amused me how the moon snuck up behind me like that. Had I not looked in my rear view I might have missed it. I sat there at the stop sign a few minutes, as no one was coming, and I just looked and smiled to myself at how sweet the whole situation was.
This morning, I had to wake up at 4AM to drop a friend off at the airport. It has been my habit in the past to always rise this early in the morning, but unfortunately it has been some time since I have done so. I truly love this hour of the day, so quiet and still, save for the birds who rise at this hour to sing their morning brachot(blessing) out to Hashem. On the way home from dropping her off, I noticed what seemed to be a low fire in the sky. The brightest of pinks, reds and oranges glowed in the eastern sky. It was very low and just beginning to peek up over the horizon. Again, I smiled to myself reveling in the magic of what was beginning to happen before my very eyes.
For a while, I was driving towards the sun. I95 North seemingly taking me to the edge of the sky to where the sun was beginning to awake. As I drove, intermittent sprinkles occurred and I realized that the sky was cloudy. I was filled with joy, knowing that the sun was still rising in spite of the rain. I was blessed when I realized that the cloudiness of the day was actually permitting me to gaze upon the loveliness and strength of the sun without hindrance. The veil of clouds gave the sun a ethereal beauty as I watch the fiery red-orange disc slowly rise ahead of me.
I began to think of Hashem, perhaps lifting the sun with his hand, finding the perfect spot to hand this orb of fire. Then I realized that Hashem is far beyond that and He could lift the sun with His finger, or balance it on the tip of His pinky. I realize that Hashem is without a corporal body, but this reverie made me feel very small. Very small and very, very safe.
I was lost in the beauty of this moment amazed at the perfection of it all. How glorious! I so wanted to pull my car over and jump out and sing praises to the One who allowed me this great privilege! I felt like this moment was created just for me. Just for my eyes and my heart.
I feel so safe and at peace.
I am filled with so much joy and love at this very moment.
I am so grateful that I received these gifts of moments this week.
Precious moments indeed, that I hope to remember always. Moments and feelings of joy that I pray to treasure in my heart and relive when I do not feel so safe and so filled with love.
The gifts of the moon and the sun.