Just wanted to let you know I am going to be starting a new blog, one that reflects more where I am in my life. My children are grown and need me differently. Although I am still very much a country girl, I am resolved that my life has me here in the city for now. That means I am going to learn more about urban farming and square foot gardening. Also I am pursuing my dreams of being an herbalist, growing herbs, making medicine, tinctures, teas etc. On top of all this I have discovered that my passion for motherhood has transferred to mommies to be, childbirth education and my doula work.
So why the need for a new blog? Well, call it a fresh start and a new beginning. I feel less like a farmgirl and more like a village wise woman. It is something I have wanted for some time, someone I have aspired to. Many folks and some of my friends have told me, "You ARE a village wise woman!" So what am I waiting for? So here goes, another part of the journey. I hope you will all join me over here at Village Wise Woman. I am sure the journey will be interesting and full of twists and turns, but most of all joy!
"The key to everything is the way you start. All beginnings are hard, because you need to swing things around from one direction to the very opposite. But once you have made a start, you will soon begin getting used to your new direction and it will no longer be so difficult. Therefore you must marshal all your strength and steel yourself to make an energetic start. Each time you must begin again with ever renewed fire and passion for G-d. Start as if you had never begun before." Likutey Moharan 1:67